If you have puppies available you can put them on our online Puppy Register
to club members only. Cost: £5.00 per litter.
Make cheques payable to Shetland Sheepdog Club of Wales
If you are looking for a puppy or wish to place a puppy or litter on the register
then contact Mr Mike Light on 01761 452280 or mike.light@btinternet.com
Please let us know when you have sold your puppies so they can be removed from the site.
The Shetland Sheepdog Club of Wales accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of information supplied by the advertiser/seller of puppies being advertised on this website.
Dog owners/breeders/purchasers advertise and/or buy and sell dogs or arrange meetings/make contact with advertisers/breeders found on this site at their own risk. It is the buyers full responsibility to verify the authenticity/reputability/history of the advertiser/seller/breeder and the status of their dogs/puppies.
Watch the KC video on the Dos and Don'ts of Buying a Puppy (click on link below)
The Club also has a rehoming
For further details contact
Rehoming Co-ordinator: Mrs Jan Lansdown
Tel: 029 2075 7915 or email janlansdown@aol.com